Digital Marketing and SEO to Attract Leads

img | October 13, 2022

Working in Bukit Vista these past 3  months has been nothing but a ‘delightful experience’ at least for me. 

Working in an agile startup like Bukit Vista has allowed me to learn at a higher pace by working on different projects, cross-collaborating with other squads, and using all the latest tools to constantly innovate. 

But don’t take my word for it,  we like to  #ShowDon’tTell in Bukit Vista. So if you haven’t seen the video above here are some of the things I learned and  experienced working  during my internship journey:

Being hospitable

While seemingly not as high importance or impactful, being hospitable is actually the heart of what I gained working in Bukit Vista. It is technically a hospitality management service company after all.  From answering guest inquiries and hosting through our OTAs profile. To maintaining delightful relationships with our current and potential partners.  And hosting our internal company events such as all hands and happy hours, I am able to inspire delight to our guests, partners, and team members by learning how to be hospitable. 

Airbnb reservation answering guest inquiries
Airbnb reservation : answering guest inquiries
awareness squad happy hour

Working remotely and time management

Working remotely has been a net benefit in my working life. Being able to work from my own home, favorite cafes, or our bases in Bali and Yogyakarta beats commuting to work with heavy traffic and all the stresses that come with it. 

But ensuring that my work gets completed on time and is up to standards requires respecting the time within a day and solid time management practices. To achieve this, we use google calendar. By blocking certain hours of the day to focus on one particular task I am able to complete my work more efficiently. Also, by being able to see other members’ calendar also, we can schedule meeting and pairings more effectively as our working schedule is more transparent.  

Me and my coworkers google calendar schedule
Me and my coworkers google calendar schedule

Optimizing digital channels

Being a digital marketer requires an understanding of different digital channels to attract potential users and leads. During my time here, I was exposed to varying channels from our website, SEO & SEM (google ads), email marketing, social media page (Facebook & Instagram), OTAs (Airbnb &, and many more. 

By working firsthand in optimizing these channels, I am able to learn that setting up clear KPIs and specific metric goals is essential to guide the strategy of managing these digital channels. Furthermore, knowing the audience & personas of these channels and understanding the user journey is key to crafting relevant content. If the content fits with what our audience desires and interest, all that is left is to create a relevant engagement strategy and the best time to post the content (ads, posts, reels, etc) so the marketing channels and campaign can run smoothly. 

Page design & web development

One of the projects I help executed during my internship is designing & developing a page for property investment. Despite not being most familiar with coding essentials such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Learning essential coding along the way and using Figma & WordPress for designing and developing the page allowed me to create a working page despite it not being perfect. 

One of the ways  I try to create a page that is relevant to our users is also by using data. We try to #Don’tAssumeUseData here so to ensure that our users have a relevant and good experience visiting the webpage. I use tools such as Hotjar to analyze the heatmap of which page area they’re more interested in. As well as using google analytics & page speed insights to know where our traffic is coming from, how long they stayed on the page, as well as how is the website speed performance. 

Finally, by running continuous AB testing in google optimize and analyzing the user page, I can optimize the page iteration through constant feedback and experimentation to create the best experience for our users. 


One of the main areas of focus while while working in digital marketing is SEO (search engine optimization).  From doing keyword research to find high-volume keywords and incorporating it into the on-page copywriting & meta descriptions, backlink partnerships to increase website domain authoritativeness, and some of the technical aspects such as: optimizing image for web core vitals & page speed, internal link audit and fixing broken links, and adding OG meta tags. All these tasks help to improve our rankings on certain keywords within search engines such as google & safari. To help my task I used tools such as Ahrefs, google search console, and WordPress. 

As a result of this work, more targeted visitors are likely to enter our website and find services relevant to their needs. During my time here, I was able to increase our search impressions, CTR, and ranking position than previously. Which I believe has been thanks mostly to optimizing our SEO. 

Google search console dashboards

If you’re interested in inspiring delight to everyone, everywhere, and every time, and think that you can make an impact in innovating and positively transforming the hospitality service, look no further than at 

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