Welcome to Bukit Vista! 😀
We’re glad to have you on-board to join us on our journey to become the most innovative hospitality company in the world! Here in BV we work hard, and play hard. Employees here are trusted, valued, and relied on to bring forward fresh new ideas.
Sneak Peak into Bukit Vista’s Culture!

“I be on my suit and tie.” Formal Friday where we dressing formally to work.

Hospitality Meet-ups in Seminyak

Celebratory Dinner at Brazilian Steak House

Overnight villa stays during celebrations such as: Nyepi, Halloween, Thanksgiving

Monthly retrospectives – Review both the areas we succeeded & failed in

Melaspas ceremony for new villa opening.

Family dinners at BV base with our former guests

Quality time & hosting with guests

Recruiting & job fairs with local universities

Bukit Vista’s biggest event, Halloween Party