Best Practices

img Yosefine BukitVista | September 13, 2023

Written by Alif Fadli, Business Analyst Intern back in 2021.

My tips when conducting report for our analysis:

Always remember

“Analytical report is not just reading existing data and just telling people stories, its not a good analysis. However, a good analysis will try to find the reasons behind the data we get ”

  • Make it a habit to explain something difficult to be easy to understand and don’t complicate easy things
  • Use simple explanation but structured and to the point, don’t use repeated sentences because it will cause ineffectiveness
  • Don’t just explain the data, always explain what’s behind the data
  • In the end, improvisation is the key to doing good analytical reporting. Feel free to reduce or  add the methods listed in this paper.
  • This paper is only a minimum standard of reporting, if you have a more effective and efficient method, I am very open to new innovations.

Positive and negative impacts by implementing analysis and reporting methods like this

Positive :

1. Provide clarity to the audience: when we present a report with this method, everyone will understand what we are reporting.

2. Improve the quality in our discussion: by reporting the analysis in an organized manner, the quality of the discussion will be better and also know what problems we need to face. Our audience will also have directions for the questions they want to ask.

  1. Weakness and Strength Awareness


  1. Need more time
  2. Lot of people say that reporting like this are very ineffective, but in fact by reporting in an organized manner we can determine what action points can be executed to solve a problem

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