by Projasa | service provider for business and building permit document management, website creation, design, online advertising, digital marketing and other business support services.

Projasa is a brand of incorporated company officially registered with NIB: 8120118061466. Established under the auspices of PT Projasa Cita Nusantara which is domiciled in Bali precisely in the city of Denpasar.
The company is engaged in the services of establishing and managing CV licensing, PT PMA, PBG / SLF residential and business and also Website Development & Digital Marketing. And serve all services throughout Indonesia.
Since 2015, Projasa have been trusted and have completed more than 2,000 document arrangements for both permits and other services.
With their services being
- AFFORDABLE COST: provide relatively affordable service fees and can adjust to the budget you have.
- EASY REQUIREMENTS: the requirements that Projasa needs to work on your licensing are very easy, such as KTP and NPWP.
- TRANSPARENT PROCESS: the entire process of working on your licensing document can be monitored directly on the track progress menu on our website.
- AUTHENTIC DOCUMENT: guarantee that the documents we work on are 100% original and in accordance with the regulated laws.
If you need a professional and experienced team in their respective fields who are ready to assist with licensing and developing your business. Then no look further then Projasa – Transparent Services in Indonesia