by Bagus | Eco-friendly Pest Control: Effectively Pest Control, Safe for Health & Environment
Hello, our great partners!
Do you have pest problems on your property, then don’t have time to fix them or don’t even think pests are a problem?
Often times, we trifle with the pests that breed on our property, such as termites, mosquitoes, rats, bed bugs, and other pests. We think that these pests are not a big problem and will disappear by themselves.
In fact, allowing pests to live on our property poses tremendous risks to our property, especially the safety and comfort of our guests as hosts in the hospitality industry.
Bukit Vista is always committed to inspire delight our guests, that’s why Bukit Vista recommends one of the best Pest Control services based in Bali, called Ecoforpest.

Through C-Talk # 14, we had the opportunity to gain important insights from Pak Bagus (founder of Ecoforpest) about the risk of pest attacks along with their recommendations and effective solutions for pest control.
Not only do they get rid of pests, their plus points are also very good and have a positive impact on residents of the property and the natural environment.
Curious about who, what and how the Ecoforpest team works?
Come on, read with high enthusiasm!
What is Ecoforpest?
Ecoforpest exists as a company that offers pest control services with the application of environmentally friendly principles. Broadly speaking, what Ecoforpest emphasizes is pest control with more environmentally friendly methods, such as reducing the use of chemical pesticides, which tend to use organic pesticides. So, customers and residents are protected from pests, and do not cause side effects that can harm the environment. With the use of organic pesticides, residents do not need to leave the house when treatment is carried out by the Ecoforpest team.

Ecoforpest services are under CV Ecodwi Bali Jaya Abadi. Their office is located at Jalan Kebo Iwa II Gang XV Blok C4, Padang Sambian Kaja, Denpasar, Bali. Their office open schedule both online and onsite is Monday to Saturday, from 8 AM – 5PM Bali Time.
Ecoforpest serves all types of properties, such as shopping centers, restaurants, school buildings, hospitals, hotels, villas, and other types of accommodation properties.
Ecoforpest’s market share is not limited, they are general and inclusive. They hoped to expand outside Bali, such as ordering services they had received from Labuan Bajo.
Use of Organic Pesticides
So far the Ecoforpest team has consistently used organic pesticides where most other pest control companies use chemical pesticides. By using organic pesticides, the team can ensure customer property is safe, comfortable, pests eliminated and does not damage the environment. So they try to make sure pests can be controlled while still paying attention to health and the natural environment.
One of the products they use is freemite 200+, an organic termite repellent made from pure neem seed oil and is not toxic to humans, but highly toxic to termites.

This product is a ready-to-use emulsion that has been concentrated 200x. It also contains a plant-based nano-extender for better penetration and excellent bonding to soil, wood, bamboo. This product is very environmentally friendly, does not cause plants to wilt and dry out because it contains vitamin extracts to protect plants. For its use, the Ecoforpest team can help.

To protect and prevent pollution to the environment, the pest control team is also committed to reducing the use of smoke or fogging which is often used by the majority of pest control services. They are more likely to use water-based water bushes to kill flying insects, such as mosquitoes.
What are their services?
SNI Standard Anti Termite
Apart from mosquitoes, they are also experts in controlling termites. The island of Bali, which is in a tropical climate, has almost 70% potential for termite attack.

Based on data from the Association of Indonesian Pest Control Companies (ASPPAMI), it is estimated that the economic loss caused by termites nationally is IDR 2.8 trillion each year. If prevention efforts are not made, the losses could potentially be greater. Then you need the right termite service to protect your home and business property! To solve this problem, Ecoforpest offers Anti-termites services where the treatment also uses natural ingredients.
There are 3 types of services to prevent and control termites based on the needs of your property.
1. Pre-Construction Termite Services

The best strategy for controlling subterranean termites and dry wood is prevention (excluding infestations). This strategy includes the creation of chemical barriers on the soil and foundations as well as preservation of wood (timber treatment) during the pre-construction period.
2. Post-Construction Termite Services

Strategies to control termite attack and dry wood with soil treatment and wood treatment. Soil treatment by injection on the foundation (termite injection). Treatment of wood by spraying or laying wood components with termiticides. If deemed necessary, drilling or injection is carried out on wood that is already attacked by termites.
3. Reticulation System (Pipanization) Termite Service

Termite control through a pipe network system is also known as a reticulation system. This system is an innovative method designed to provide protection against termite infestation in the long term. This method was applied to pre-construction by creating a network of underground pipes to inject termiticides evenly under the foundation of your building. In other words, this system can be refilled periodically to create a chemical barrier so that your building is protected from termite attack from outside and underground.
General Pest Control
Bali Island as an icon of Indonesian tourism certainly brings a lot of local and international tourist visits. This has led to the booming growth of hotels, villas and restaurants over the last few decades. Competition in the hospitality sector and its supporting sectors is increasing and challenging. It is necessary to build a positive image such as feeling comfortable, clean and safe to increase customer satisfaction. This image is important to ensure the business continues to grow. However, this positive image often receives threats from pests such as rats and insects. In fact, minor pest attacks can be overcome easily with a simple method but if the attack is very annoying you need professional pest control services.

Control of 5 common types of pests, namely rats, cockroaches, mosquitoes, flies and ants. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategy always prioritizes prevention efforts, namely by eliminating food, water and nesting sites for rats. Eradication efforts are taken when the pest population has caused losses to residents or your business. Our extermination method combines various innovative methods and is certainly safe for families, pets and the environment.
Bed bug control services
Based on the NPMA survey, 76% of pest control companies stated that bed bugs (bed bugs) are the most difficult pests to eradicate and control. Bed bugs spread very quickly and can be difficult to detect. Generally through travel or official travel. It can be found from budget hotels to five-star hotels.

To eradicate as well as control the return of bed bugs, Ecoforpest offer an IPM service for bedbugs exterminations.
Disinfectant spraying
Because the current situation is still a Covid-19 pandemic, they also offer Disinfectant Treatment services. Disinfectants are chemicals that are used to inhibit or kill microorganisms (for example, bacteria, viruses and fungi except bacterial spores) on the surface of inanimate objects, such as furniture, rooms, floors, etc.
Even though we have been diligent in washing hands and using masks, Pak Bagus said that we need to carry out regular disinfection to minimize the spread of the Corona virus, especially lodging properties which often become “homes” for people who keep changing.
The advantages of Ecoforpest’s disinfection spraying service are effective, reliable and environmentally friendly. Which spray has a broad spectrum and is very effective in killing bacteria and viruses, has a long enough residue, is safe for the environment, as a sanitation process throughout the area, is effective at all temperatures, and does not cause corrosiveness to the object being treated.
Ecoforpest’s Core Values
Why choose Ecoforpest? Because Ecoforpest really owns and implements the core values below.
1. Commitment
The Ecoforpest team is committed to using the IPM (Integrated Pest Management) method and providing maximum service to customers.
2. Eco-friendly
As the identity of Ecoforpest, they really control pests with environmentally friendly principles directly, such as using organic pesticides. Ecoforpest is ready to prove to every customer that the pesticides they own and use are organic pesticides.
3. Responsibility
Walaupun treatment sudah dilakukan dan jasa mereka sudah dibayar oleh pelanggan, tim Ecoforpest berkomitmen untuk tetap bertanggungjawab dalam melakukan pengawasan dan maintanance/treatment lanjutan pada properti sampai dipastikan kondisi properti sudah benar-benar bebas dan aman dari serangan hama.
4. Professional
The practice of the previous values is proof that Ecoforpest is called a professional pest control service.
5. Guarantee
Ecoforpest team provides guarantees and prioritizes customer satisfaction by carrying out further treatment if the pests still return at no additional cost or free so that customers are truly satisfied with Ecoforpest services.
We will try to make every customers feel happy and satisfied with our services.
Pak Bagus (Ecoforpest)
IPM (Integrated Pest Management) Method
Other evidence that shows Ecoforpest services are environmentally friendly is that they use the IPM (Integrated Pest Management) method – which is also used by pest control and pest management players in the world – where this method is very effective in controlling pests without damaging the ecosystem and also minimizing use of chemical pesticides.
The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization defines IPM as “the careful consideration of all available pest control techniques and subsequent integration of appropriate measures that discourage the development of pest populations and keep pesticides and other interventions to levels that are economically justified and reduce or minimize risks to human health and the environment. IPM emphasizes the growth of a healthy crop with the least possible disruption to agro-ecosystems and encourages natural pest control mechanisms.”[1]
Stages of Pest Control by Ecoforpest

1. Inspection
Inspections are carried out to determine the level of pest population, types of pests, shape and area of the area where pests breed. This inspection is important so that pest control can be efficient and effective.
2. Identification
At this stage, we need to know in detail how the types of pests are, how the habits of pests reproduce on a property — whether pests get indoors or just breed outdoors.
3. Development
Ecoforpest is committed to always making innovations after conducting inspection and identification so that pests can be controlled properly while remaining environmentally friendly.
4. Treatment
The next step, they do treatment. This treatment can be done in the form of spraying, baiting or trapping.
5. Monitoring
The final step is for the Ecoforpest team to conduct surveillance / monitoring. At this monitoring stage, Ecoforpest provides a guarantee to customers that will ensure that the treated area will be continuously monitored until it is completely safe and free from pests.
If customers are still not satisfied because they haven’t gotten maximum results, they will continue to do the treatment at no additional cost until the treatment results are maximum controlling pests.
If customer is satisfied with the work of the Ecoforpest team and doesn’t feel any more pest disturbances, the team still continue to follow up the customer and come to the property again to ensure the property condition that the pest problem is completely controlled. Or they usually make a structured schedule at certain time intervals — maybe 2 to 4 times a month to ensure the condition of the customer’s property is safe and free from pests.
Reference Project that has been carried out by Ecoforpest in the last 3 years :
- Project Anantara Ubud with PT. Wika Realty
- Project Waterword Sanur with PT. Fajar Gemilang
- Mock-up Project Cheval Blanc Nusa Dua with PT BAM Decorient Indonesia
- Project Holiday Inn Sanur with PT Wijaya Kusuma Contractor
- Maintenance Anti Termite on Sudamala Group
- Maintenance Anti Termite on Nakula Hotel Management
- Maintenance Anti Termite on Canggu Property
Customer Reference:
- Hotel
- Pandawa Suite Hotel
- Satriya Cottages
- Grand Istana Rama Kuta
- Sudamala Group
- Villa
- Kama Village by Nakula
- Canggu Studio
- Karma Jimbaran
- Ubud One Villas
- Restaurant
- La Luciola
- Alas Arum Eco Restaurant
- Fish N Co
- Bambu Restaurant
- La Brisa
- Others
- Alam Atelier School
- Kantor Dinas Pekerjaan Umum
- Balai Litbang Perumahan Bali
The project that best demonstrates Ecoforpest’s expertise and credibility is the La Luciola restaurant located in Canggu, Bali. There used to be a big mosquito problem that no other pest control service could handle. The food that is the main product of the restaurant also attracts many animals to come looking for leftovers, and usually the worst case is rats. At that time, the Ecoforpest team tried to make observations and they used an environmentally friendly IMP method, and the results were quite effective.
Another project that also shows the success of Ecoforpest is that they have received an order for services from an international company called PT BAM Decorient Indonesia to apply termite protection services.
What positive impact does Ecoforpest have on property owners or customers — be it through values, relationships and legacy?
Ecoforpest already has complete certification and permits in the field of pest control and they also give free surveys. Ecoforpest service quality is in accordance with SNI, namely 5 years for pre-construction and 3 years for post-construction.In addition, what Ecoforpest emphasizes the most is an environmentally friendly pest control method. Based on the experience of the Ecoforpest team, the positive impact of Ecoforpest services that will be received by customers is also safety and health.
Safety and health are both important in pest control activities. Don’t let the pests be eradicated, but the food inside the property is poisoned or irritates the breathing of people on the property which eventually endangers the occupants of the house / property due to the use of chemical pesticides.
Pak Bagus (Ecoforpest)
So, Ecoforpest team is very committed to making property and customers and/or residents of the property safe from pest attacks, but also ensuring their health.
For pest control, Ecoforpest team always advises every customer to do maintenance periodically or gradually, because through their experience, living things (pests) tend to ‘survive’. To survive, they automatically eat. Pests come because pests need food.
For example, when mosquitoes arrive, it may be caused by standing water nearby which is used by mosquitoes to breed. When there are many mosquitoes, other predatory animals will automatically appear to eat mosquitoes, such as lizards and geckos. And finally, the property will become a ‘zoo’.
Therefore, Ecoforpest team offers free visits and follow-up treatment if the pest problem remains on the treated property until the pest is completely controlled.
Inspection as an early stage for Ecoforpest will also determine what kind of treatment is suitable for the pest problem on the property.
How much does Ecoforpest cost?
The service fee or pest control price depends on the type of pest, the size of the attack, the area of the property and the number of treatments.
The number of pests and the complexity of pest problems on the property will affect service costs, because to solve the complexity of pest problems on the property, the Ecoforpest team will recommend extra services – for example, more drugs are needed, the amount of energy needed increases, and a guarantee that offers maintenance sustainable – and certainly affects the cost of their services.
Based on the size of the area that is attacked by pests, for example in a villa – with an area of 400 m2 consisting of more than one bedroom and other rooms – which has common pest problems such as termites, ants and rats, Ecoforpest simply does regular treatment. 2–4 times a month at a price of around Rp. 400,000–500,000 per month. But if the pest is in the form of geckos, snakes, monitor lizards, and the like, they only help but do not guarantee to control it and there is no cost for those pests.
The calculation of the costs of termite control uses the calculation of the piece rate wage calculated based on the treatment area, the level and size of the attack and the choice of termiticide. The price for termite repellents that we offer starts from IDR 10,000 / square meters.
This is a good message and suggestion for you property owners who need pest control services:
Every property owner must care about where he lives and take care of his building. The potential losses from pest problems that have always been underestimated are enormous, such as damage caused by termites.
Maintenance costs for an area that is eaten by termites of around 400 square meters at most costs around 5 million rupiah. The potential for losses will be even greater if the property has not been treated for a long time.
The rat problem shouldn’t be underestimated either. We don’t know what the rats were doing in secret, the property could catch fire just because the power line was bitten by the mouse.
The potential losses must be considered by property owners. So, do regular pest control treatment, not just cleaning or renovations. Pest control is very important to do to keep the property durable and long lasting.
That is the explanation of the discussion result of Bukit Vista with Ecoforpest through C-Talk # 14. If your property is still having problems with pest attacks, you can contact Bukit Vista to connect you with Ecoforpest.
You can also do ‘online consultation’ for free with Ecoforpest which will be held at the next C-Talk with Ecoforpest. Come on, immediately contact Bukit Vista and will immediately connect you with Ecoforpest for a property that is safer, more comfortable, healthy, and durable. And of course, inspire delight our guests!
If you are curious to find out about Ecoforpest in person, you can also visit their official website. Just click the button below!
Watch the recorded video of C-Talk # 14 with Ecoforpest to get insight and knowledge about Eco-Friendly Pest Control as a whole. Just click on the Youtube video below!