
syafri rtt

Elevating hospitality through Round Table Talk with Gojek’s VP of Data Science

In an engaging and enlightening Round Table Talk that took place on August 19, 2023, the Bukit Vista community experienced an extraordinary confluence of data experts and a visionary business owner. Hosted at the Bali office, the event featured distinguished guests: Mr. Syafri, the Vice President of Data Science at Gojek, and the owners of Villa Tupa, Bu Anna and Pak Boris. We called it "Round Table Talk,"...

housekeeping dinner

Fostering Dialogue & Training with Our Valued Housekeeping Heroes from Across Bali

Greetings! I like to introduce our community manager intern at Bukit Vista, Dinda. Her work revolves around creating a welcoming and engaging environment for every owner of the property as our partner. She facilitate connections, address inquiries, and ensure their comfort communicating with us and the guests. With a spirit of sharing a positive transformation journey, we are excited to share our inspiring...

alex dinner

The first Round Table Talk: A Story of Trust, Collaboration, and Success

Bali has long been a haven for travelers seeking paradise on Earth. But for Alex, a data security project manager hailing from Germany, Bali offered not just a tropical escape, but also a unique investment opportunity. Year after year, Alex found himself drawn to the mesmerizing beauty and rich culture of Bali, making it his annual pilgrimage. As his love for the island grew, so did his desire to invest...

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