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5 Popular Eco-friendly Products Ideas for Sustainable Rental Villas in Bali

Menggunakan foto yang profesional dapat meningkatkan minat dan kepercayaan tamu. Photo by Bukit Vista People are becoming more concerned about the environment, and so are the popularity of eco-friendly products for sustainable solutions to a problem. did a survey in 2021 and found that 81% of travellers worldwide want to stay in sustainable accommodation in...


Asri Village: Retirement Dream to Keep on Making Guest Happy

The tourism industry has started to heal, with the border being opened we notice the growing trend of the hospitality industry. Noticing this growing trend, we believe that it would be a great opportunity for property owners and people who are interested in pursuing this business to learn more about property management. That being said, this week Bukit Vista has decided to sit down with one of...


BV E-Talk #18 – How Empathy Advance Your Work as a Customer Relations

In this opportunity, Bukit Vista shared insights into the hospitality industry on the 18th series of BV E-Talk on February 25th, 2022. The event was co-hosted by AIESEC Semarang, HMPI Indonesia, and KOMAKO UGM. Bukit Vista invited 2 incredible speakers, Josephine Ambiya, a customer support specialist at Spenmo, and Laras Candra Laksi, support team leader at Influx as the webinar was themed...

Tech Talk GDSC MUM Press Release

As a way to inspire students, Bukit Vista held a Tech Talk Webinar in collaboration with Monash University’s Google Developer Students Club (GDSC) that has 2 main topics from 2 remarkable speakers. Our UI/UX designer Nadia showed “UI/UX Design 101” and our backend developer Chris talked about “Developing Backend API vs Using Backend as a Service Like Firebase”. A lot of job roles based on...

Manajemen properti Bali vs manajemen mandiri: mana yang terbaik?

Cara memilih antara menyewa manajemen properti Bali atau mengelola mandiri Mengelola properti mungkin tampak seperti angin sepoi-sepoi. Namun, kenyataannya tidak semudah itu. Mengelola properti sebenarnya membutuhkan usaha, waktu, dan uang ekstra untuk mendapatkan penghasilan yang stabil. Jika Anda seorang investor atau pemilik villa di Bali, Anda memiliki 2 pilihan untuk mengelola properti Anda. Pilih...

Bali property management vs self-management: which one is the best?

how to choose between Bali property management and self-management Managing property may seem like a breeze. However, the reality is not that easy. Managing property actually requires extra effort, time and money to get a stable income. If you are an investor or villa owner in Bali, you have 2 options to manage your property. Choose to manage your property independently or appoint a third party to...

Bagaimana Manajemen Villa Bali Membantu Para Pemilik Bertahan Saat Pandemi

Bagaimana Manajemen Villa Bali Membantu Para Pemilik Bertahan Saat Pandemi Pandemi COVID-19 membuat para pemilik hotel, villa dan properti di Bali harus mengambil langkah sigap. Banyak dari mereka lebih memilih untuk menyewa perusahaan manajemen villa Bali untuk mengelola properti mereka secara mudah, efisien dan optimal di tengah kondisi yang tidak stabil ini. Mulai dari penyusunan strategi yang lebih...

5 Things You Need to Know Before Buying or Building a Rental Property in Bali

As a paradise island, Bali is not only famous for vacation, but also as a property investment paradise for investors. Bali rental villas investment have always been and always will be a passive way of generating income. This is supported by the number of tourist visits to Bali always has great number from year to year. In 2019, almost 6.3 million foreign tourist visited the popular holiday destination...

Strategi Mengendalikan Hama Kayu di Properti: Sesi Konsultasi Bersama ecoFORPEST

Halo Bukit Vista Community yang ada di Jogja, Bali, dan Nusa Penida!  Apakah kalian memiliki masalah hama di properti kalian? Kira-kira hama jenis apa yang sering mampir dan sulit untuk dibasmi di properti kalian? Pastinya, setiap properti memiliki kemungkinan masalah hama yang berbeda-beda jenis, bukan? Mulai dari hama yang mudah untuk dikontrol hingga yang paling sulit untuk...

Community Sharing Session : Komunitas Bukit Vista di Mata Kami

Tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa adanya pandemi COVID-19 sejak Maret 2020 lalu, disertai dengan diberlakukannya kebijakan PPKM (Pemberlakuan Pembatasan Kegiatan Masyarakat), memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan pada berbagai elemen masyarakat, tidak terkecuali para pemilik properti di Yogyakarta. Namun, kondisi ini tidak menyurutkan semangat dan keinginan para pemilik properti tersebut untuk tetap...

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