Increase Satisfaction and Revenue for Rental Property Owners

img Adiel Bukitvista | July 24, 2023

Bukit Vista always aims to inspire delight to our partners through hospitality innovations. For over 10 years, we have experimented, tested, and delivered our valuable service to our 130+ partners as of today. Today, I’m Adiel, will be explaining some of those programs to you in detail that help transform our partners and optimize their revenue.

Strategic Partner Engagement

Responding to Issues

Despite having more than 130+ partners to manage, we regularly communicate and engage with them on a routine basis. Based on the priority of their concerns, we help to respond to some of the issues they face of guest complaints such as booking issues, connection issues, and cleanliness. After receiving this information our guest on-site supervisor or hosting team will try to fix the issue right away and come over to the property if necessary.

Other potential issues could be an error with our BVGO app, where after receiving this complaint. Our product development team will try to fix and optimize it for future development. Or requiring renovations needed for the property, we can help block their booking calendar and refer to our community experts for help.

Whatever the problem is we will always try to find a solution to help our partners!

bukit vista staff engage with partner
Yohannes, Bukit Vista community manager meet with one our partners to discuss property initerior makeover, installing smart tv, and upgrading wifi

Partner Property Consultation

Not only do we help to solve our partners issue, we also provide a consultation for them regarding their potential property issues. In the case of one of our partners below, they encounter a leak with one of their roofs. And after inspection with our community & property managers, we provide potential solutions and arrange with vendors to fix the problem right away. All while updating our partners on the cost, process, and procedure along the way. 

Performance Report & Pricing Strategy

Not only do we help to solve our partners issue. We also provide a performance report to our partners on how well their bookings, occupancy, and revenue earned as of last month. As we collect each of our partners performance data, we can determine our property performance details and determine the best pricing strategy to optimize revenue in the future.

Bella, Bukit Vista revenue management specialist usually analyze the performance of our property partners and give a pricing strategy in the future. Below is a video of her explaining the performance report to our partner in Umalas.

Dynamic Pricing Program

As mentioned before we determined the pricing of our rental property using data, so our prices are not constant.
Dynamic pricing
is actually a strategy where businesses adjust the prices of their offerings to account for changing demand.
The goal is to get the right price, at the right time.

The Revenue Management team at Bukit Vista monitors your property performance frequently and utilizes dynamic pricing as a strategy to have your property occupied. Each property is assigned to a pricing specialist and follows an inspection schedule on a weekly basis. Below is an illustration of the strategy in more detail.

Bukit Vista dynamic pricing strategy graphic

Using Machine Learning to Automate the Process and Increase Efficiency

As we have more than 130 property partners, it could be hard to determine each individual property  pricing. That’s why we implement a machine learning (promenade) as a recommender machine for our pricing analyst here in Bukit Vista to automate this process and prevent human error.

Overtime, every single data that we supply to Promenade will increase its efficiency and effectiveness to generate a better pricing strategy. This ensures a continuous improvement and a more scalable pricing adjustment for the properties here in Bukit Vista.
To know more how Promenade works, click on the image below.

Our Partner Testimonial

We talk with one of our partners, Pak Indra of Amazon Guesthouse to get his opinions regarding our partnership and program so far. He mentioned that working with Bukit Vista have been according to his expectations to maximized bookings of his rental rooms, which results in a higher revenue.  As you can see on the table below, the revenue received has increased in the last months, taking account seasonality.

In the end he said that he’ll for sure recommend Bukit Vista as a property management service. And even have refer to some of his friends about our service ! 

If you read all the way down here, hopefully you know now more about the service we provide to our partners. As mentioned earlier, we always aim to transform and inspire our partners through hospitality innovation.

If you’re looking to be positively transformed too, check out our property management service page. And get a consultation on how we can help you.

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