Empowering Partners: Taking Control of Your Notifications

img Ferdian Bukitvista | November 2, 2023

Hello, readers! I’m Ferdi, and I’m here to walk you through an exciting development that’s all about putting the power of choice back into the hands of our BVGO app users. As a Data Science Intern at Bukit Vista, I’m passionate about enhancing user experiences, and today, I’m thrilled to introduce you to a game-changing update on our BVGO app. This update is all about personalized notifications, an initiative that will transform the way our partners interact with our platform.

Addressing Partner Concerns

At Bukit Vista, we believe in the power of listening to our partners. Their feedback is invaluable in shaping the direction of our services. Recently, we received feedback from some of our partners expressing concerns about the frequency and relevance of notifications from the BVGO app. They felt that the app was becoming a bit “spammy,” bombarding them with information that might not always be relevant to their needs.

Empowering Partners: How to Personalize Notifications

We heard our partners loud and clear, and we’re excited to share a solution that empowers our partners to choose what information they receive. The truth is, this feature isn’t new; it’s been around for quite some time. The challenge lies in awareness. Many of our partners aren’t aware of this feature, and that’s where this update comes in.

The Importance of User-Driven Updates

The beauty of this update is that it’s user-driven. It allows our partners to take control of their notification preferences. If they find certain notifications irrelevant or excessive, they can now easily customize their notification settings. This not only reduces the “spammy” feel but also ensures that partners receive information that truly matters to them.

Conclusion: A Brighter, More User-Centric Future

In conclusion, this update marks a significant step toward a more user-centric BVGO app. It’s all about ensuring that our partners have the power to choose the information that matters to them. As we move forward, we’re committed to not only addressing partner feedback but also proactively enhancing our user experience. Keep an eye out for future updates, including the addition of a switch button for newsletter notifications. We’re excited about the bright, user-centric future that lies ahead. Thank you for joining us on this journey of empowerment and personalization!

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