About our founder

Jing Cho Yang:

Pioneering a New Era of Hospitality with Bukit Vista

about our founder
about our founder

Visionary Hospitality: Unveiling Bukit Vista's Pioneering Approach

In the beginning, Bukit Vista was a personal project Jing Cho Yang embarked on during a transitional period between jobs. Launching in 2009 with a simple Facebook post, Jing’s initial venture into property marketing swiftly bore fruit, securing a three-year lease with a long-term tenant for a villa under his management. This early success, however, was only a glimpse into what would become a transformative journey in the hospitality industry.

Returning to Bali after a stint at Airbnb, Jing leveraged his experience as a community manager to connect with property owners. He discovered a common thread: many owners were hesitant to manage their properties. Recognizing a gap in the market, Jing set out to offer a solution. Yet, the true epiphany came while analyzing booking trends at the Airbnb Singapore office. 

A pivot table on his Macbook Air revealed a startling imbalance: the majority of Bali bookings were dominated by just five hosts, controlling over 40% of all bookings and half of the revenue, leaving countless properties unnoticed. This insight sparked the concept of Inspired Branding—a suite of services designed to optimize listing performance on platforms like Airbnb, revealing the untapped potential of the market.

Bukit Vista was born from the realization that the key to unlocking the full potential of hospitality properties lies in strategic marketing and management. Jing Cho Yang’s journey from managing a single villa to innovating the future of hospitality landscape in Bali exemplifies the essence of entrepreneurial spirit—transforming a moment of inspiration into a thriving enterprise dedicated to maximizing property performance and guest satisfaction.

The Path of Innovation: Jing Cho Yang's Story

From Berkeley to Bukit Vista – Charting a Course of Disruptive Hospitality

Innovative Hospitality: Jing Cho Yang's Legacy

From Vision to Reality – The Journey of Excellence

Embodying Serenity: Aman Resorts and the Art of Service

Jing Cho Yang’s approach to innovative hospitality was profoundly shaped by his time with Aman Resorts, before even joining their ranks. His journey of discovery and the lessons learned from Aman are encapsulated in two unforgettable anecdotes that underscore the essence of true hospitality.

On an unassuming visit to Amankila in Ubud, Jing, alongside his wife and infant daughter, experienced the inclusivity and warmth of Aman’s hospitality firsthand. Despite their modest appearance on a scooter, they were welcomed with open arms. An instance in the cafe, overlooking the breathtaking Ayung river valley, perfectly illustrated Aman’s dedication to service. When his daughter’s cries could have disturbed the peace, a bartender’s thoughtful gesture of presenting a plate of cookies transformed a potentially awkward moment into one of marvel and appreciation for the subtle yet impactful acts of kindness that define Aman’s ethos.

Another adventure led Jing to the secluded Amanwana on Moyo Island, a place of rumored retreat for the likes of Princess Diana and Mick Jagger. After a challenging first night in the vicinity, they approached the resort with a humble request to use the dock for shelter. The response was nothing short of extraordinary; the general manager orchestrated a night on the dock, complete with a mattress and candles, epitomizing hospitality that extends beyond the conventional boundaries. A breakfast invitation from the fleet manager the following day revealed to Jing the depth of Aman’s commitment to its staff and the parallel between how the staff are treated and how they, in turn, treat their guests.

These experiences revealed to Jing that the soul of a hospitality brand lies in its culture—a culture that is lived daily by its staff, permeating every interaction and becoming the foundation of service excellence. From Aman, Jing learned that hospitality isn’t merely a service but a culture of dignity, grace, and mutual respect. This philosophy of internal culture reflecting in guest treatment has become a cornerstone of how Jing envisages and implements hospitality at Bukit Vista, aiming to foster an environment where exceptional service quality forms the brand’s backbone and reputation.

Cultivating Connections: Elevating Hospitality with Airbnb Insights

In an inspiring chapter of his career, Jing Cho Yang took on the role of Lead Market Manager for Indonesia at Airbnb. With a vision as clear as the waters of Bali, Jing embarked on a mission to nurture and expand the Airbnb community across this vibrant region. His leadership was pivotal in Bali, where he focused on empowering hosts with the tools and insights needed to provide unparalleled hospitality. Meanwhile, in the bustling streets of Jakarta, Jing’s strategies were geared towards enhancing the travel experiences of Airbnb users, ensuring they discovered the rich culture and warmth of Indonesian hospitality.

Jing’s tenure at Airbnb was marked by remarkable achievements that reflect his deep understanding of the market and his unwavering commitment to community and service excellence. Under his guidance, the number of Airbnb users in Indonesia surged from mere hundreds to the thousands, a testament to the effectiveness of his growth strategies and his ability to connect with both hosts and travelers on a personal level.

Perhaps most indicative of Jing’s impact was the substantial increase in app satisfaction among users. Through his initiatives, overall satisfaction scores soared by an impressive 30%. This leap was not just a number—it was a reflection of improved user experiences, streamlined processes, and Jing’s personal dedication to fostering a community where everyone felt welcome and valued.

Jing’s journey with Airbnb in Indonesia is a shining example of how visionary leadership, when combined with a genuine passion for community building, can create meaningful and lasting impacts. It serves as a cornerstone of his career, highlighting his exceptional ability to drive growth, enhance user satisfaction, and build strong, supportive communities. This experience has undoubtedly shaped Jing’s approach to business and leadership, principles that are now deeply embedded in the foundation of our company.

Educational Insights: Shaping the Future of Hospitality

Bridging Knowledge and Innovation – Jing’s Academic Perspectives

Evolved Prioritization

Jing has become better at prioritizing and is now much more realistic. Known for being a big dreamer, he generates a thousand ideas every day but has learned from investing time, energy, and money into ideas that, ultimately, were not sustainable in the business world. This valuable experience has been shared with new property owners and his employees, much to their delight. Jing is committed to helping users understand the principles of effective entrepreneurship in hospitality with greater effectiveness.

Hospitality Insight

Jing once believed hospitality was about impressing others, showcasing grand hotels, banquets, and shows—an approach driven by performance and ego, which he later recognized as misaligned with the values of innovative hospitality. He understood that real hospitality is about serving the guests, focusing on their spoken and unspoken needs rather than events occurring at the guests’ expense. Initially, Jing viewed technology as an unequivocal force for good, a means to dispel ignorance and bring enlightenment, passionately advocating for Airbnb globally. Over time, however, he realized technology should serve as a tool and enabler, designed to address human issues without dominating our lives.

Tech Harmony

Jing does not view technology and hospitality as incompatible. Influenced by his friend and mentor Chip Conley’s discussions on the hierarchy of needs, Jing believes in striving for the upper layers of love, belonging, and self-transformation in hospitality. After experiencing these layers firsthand in Bali, he is committed to sharing them with his guests. However, he acknowledges that achieving these higher levels is impossible without a solid foundation. Issues like locked doors or not accessing WiFi for lack of a password highlight the necessity of technology. Jing sees smart locks and QR-code scans as tools to meet basic needs, allowing more time for personal interactions with guests at events like beach bonfires or Halloween parties.

Guest Care

Jing recalls a standout moment from his early hospitality days when their first guest called at midnight about a water outage while he and his wife were at a boxing match in Kuta. Despite initial hesitation, answering the call marked a pivotal moment in his journey into the future of the hospitality industry. Jing and his wife contacted the water department, learned the outage affected the entire area, and promptly informed their guests, who appreciated the follow-up. Though they couldn’t directly resolve the issue, Jing learned an invaluable lesson: good hospitality should always leave a guest feeling a bit better than before.

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